Happened Archive

NUANCE - hiatus

Dear NUANCE friends & followers, 

Thank you for the love and support you've given NUANCE and it's artists over the past year. 
NUANCE started as a love letter to artists of color who we felt didn't have a platform that properly celebrated and showcased them in all their complexity. We recognized that, especially in today's social climate, their works are important and there needed to be a space where we could focus on these exceptional creators. 
As two artists of colors ourselves, we always had a clear vision of what we needed NUANCE to be. More than just a platform, but a network of creative energy that helped connect and promote each other. 
However, before we can make such a network for other artists of color, we felt that we needed to take time for us to grow as artists ourselves. We believe in NUANCE, and its principles, and promise it will return! For now, this space will be used as our personal portfolios, while still keeping record of the previous work NUANCE has done. 
In the meantime, we are two young artists of color eager to learn and create, and our doors are not closed. We can still be reached via email or social media. Let's keep creating! 

Nabila & Mwinga
NUANCE Co-founders

What is NUANCE? 

NUANCE is a dynamic online platform that showcases and celebrates artists of color across all mediums. NUANCE engages its artistic community through the Happenings, a theme or idea that the submissions will be curated around.

The 1st Happening: "This is For You" 

Mission Statement

NUANCE is for the artists, writers and creative thinkers of color.

For discussions, ideas and thoughts with too much NUANCE and COMPLEXITY to fit into the neat confines of clickbait social justice.

For work that doesn’t fit into respectability politics, or caters to the notion that we exist only in relation to those in positions of power.


NabilaNUANCE, hiatus, announcement